Hi, my name is Oriol Cosp. I am a game developer and data scientist.
I worked as a data scientist during the first 8 years of my career building a strong foundation of coding skills and business intuition. During the summer of 2021, I started to learn game development driven by my lifelong passion for games. I released my first game Magplat on January 2022 as a free game on itch.io, and my first commercial game The Ouroboros King on February 2023. The moderate success of The Ouroboros King has convinced me to pursue game development full-time.
If you ever want to thank me for anything, you can buy my games, recommend them to streamers and friends, or maybe bundle with me when you release your games.
To be updated with my new games, join my discord or the mailing list.
If you want to me, you can do so at oriol.cosp.games at gmail.